About ArcherTC

American English text and design services for businesses and nonprofits in Germany, the EU, and worldwide that are targeting the U.S. marketplace. Copywriting. Translation. Editing. Proofreading. Print and web design.

What works in online video advertising?

When it comes to advertisements in online videos, Web surfers don’t know what to expect. Watch an episode of The Office on Hulu, and you’ll get a couple of 15-second ads from sponsors like Target. View a National Geographic Channel clip about emperor penguins on YouTube, and you might see clickable ads for an Arctic cruise company across the lower portion of the video. Other sites opt for a lowly display ad off to one side of the screen.

Whatever form they take, online video ads are confusing for consumers. Can an ad be skipped, and what happens when you click on a banner or link—those are just some of the questions that leave Internet users scratching their heads. …read more at What Works in Online Video Advertising? – BusinessWeek.

Flickr photo credit: codenamecueball

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00Januar 27, 2009|Blog, Online Marketing|0 Comments

Career path: how I became an ethnocentric digital marketer

I started to tear up at lunch today while talking to Lizie, a young woman who works with me. She’s from Mexico, and about a year ago she didn’t know a CPM from a CPA. But I hired her because she was bright, driven and eager to learn. She’s so driven that this past holiday season, while home in Guadalajara, she took time out of her personal schedule to visit some local advertising agencies. She came back with stories of how she’d ended up teaching an impromptu class on online advertising to a hungry audience. The pride I felt when she told me this took me back to my motivations for starting Consorte in the first place. …read more at Career Path: How I Became an Ethnocentric Digital Marketer | Hispanic Marketing | Fast Company.

By |2012-01-05T06:48:39+01:00Januar 27, 2009|Blog, Diversity|0 Comments

6 non-salesy ways to ask your customers to promote you

Want to know the #1 reason your customers don’t recommend you to their friends? It isn’t because they don’t like your product, or because they don’t care or are too busy. The real reason is either because you don’t ask them to, or you don’t make it easy for them to do it. If you ask them in the right way, however, the word of mouth referrals and additional business you can get from the experience will easily be more powerful that just about any other advertising or marketing you could do. Here are a few ideas for getting your customers to promote you to their family, friends and social networks in a way that won’t make it appear as if you’re paying them to like you… 6 Non-Salesy Ways To Ask Your Customers To Promote You – Social Media Today.

Flickr photo credit: Duchamp

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00Januar 26, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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