Century 21 moves its national TV money online.

„Century 21, one of the first real-estate companies to advertise on TV, is pulling all national TV advertising in 2009 and redirecting its efforts and ad dollars to the web. With the beleaguered real-estate market showing no signs of a turnaround, the realtor has decided to play the numbers and go where the buyers and sellers are: online. Beverly Thorne, senior VP-marketing, Century 21, said in years past the company has spent up to half of its advertising budget on creative for TV, but a majority of that money will be redirected to its online efforts in 2009.“ More from Advertising Age. Logo credit: Canmorehomes.com

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00Januar 14, 2009|Blog, Online Marketing|0 Comments

How to advertise now.

Unsure what to cut and what to keep? This smart, 4-point checklist is your guide to recession-era advertising.

When money’s tight, the knee-jerk reaction for many entrepreneurs is to cut back on advertising. Unfortunately, the businesses that stop advertising simply drop out of sight, taking these entrepreneurs from slow sales to no sales–fast. It’s a risky move many may not recover from. Rather than eliminate your advertising in a recession, cut the fat from your campaign, and focus on the right media choices for the highest ROI. To figure out what to cut and what to keep, use this checklist to choose the right media for your business in this challenging economy…“ more from Entrepreneur.com. Photo credit: brianandmia

By |2012-01-05T07:37:23+01:00Januar 13, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Here’s How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Really Works

There’s an old saying in the world of advertising: Tell your story, or someone else will tell it for you. Now that mass marketing channels have fragmented and social media has blossomed, getting someone else to tell your story sounds pretty damn good. But, from the look of things, most companies just don’t get how this stuff works… more from Copyblogger. Photo credit: martinhoward

By |2012-01-05T07:37:24+01:00Januar 13, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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