Steps to finding the right business partner

The recession is putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work each month — 522,000 from companies of all sizes and 175,000 from small businesses, specifically, for January, according to ADP’s employment latest report.

Given these massive losses and a bleak job market, industry forecasters say they expect to see more people turning to self-employment. But who says you have to go it alone? Partnering is a viable option, whether you’re looking to start a new venture or, perhaps, bring someone on-board what you already have under way. This article from Business Know-How contributor and Prime Strategies president Marian Banker outlines a five-step approach to joining forces with the right person. …Steps To Finding The Right Business Partner | The Essential IT Blog For Small Businesses, published 5 Feb 2009.

Flickr photo credit: chuckp

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00Februar 9, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Local search for SMBs

It’s about being there and being found (less about SEO)

For consumers, local search is about finding things we want (need) that are tangible and near by. It’s not about finding sites spread across the vast open web that have the best SEO, the most inbound links, and the highest Google page rank.

Local search is impatient. It’s directional in nature. It’s not exploratory. It’s more about the physical facts, and less about qualitative information.

Therefore, for small business owners, local search is about being there and being found — wherever consumers might be looking.

Imagine yourself as a consumer and you’re late to a dinner party in Leesburg, Virginia. You’re driving around an unfamiliar town looking for a wine store to pick up a nice bottle of French white wine. …read more on Local Search for SMBs: It’s About Being There and Being Found (Less About SEO) | Broadband Evolved, published 1 Feb 2009.

Flickr photo credit: rosswebsdale

By |2012-01-05T07:26:55+01:00Februar 9, 2009|Blog, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

A crash course on postal and e-mail list testing

Give a pop quiz to most direct marketers on postal list testing and you’ll find an incredibly knowledgeable group of professionals. Give a similar quiz to the same group on e-mail list testing, and the score may be entirely different.

Just like the proverbial apples and oranges, postal lists and e-mail lists are just not the same when it comes to testing.

Individual knowledge about the nuances of each type of file is essential to a successful outcome. While it’s impossible to cover everything that separates these two direct marketing list tactics, here are some vital tips to make smart list choices for the fourth quarter and beyond.  …more at A Crash Course on Postal and E-mail List Testing –, published 24 Nov 2008.

Flickr photo credit: k.tommy

By |2012-01-05T06:58:54+01:00Februar 9, 2009|Blog, Marketing|0 Comments
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