The Obama brand: lessons for the nonprofit sector

A Respected Brand Can Get You Through Tough Times

When friends, coworkers and even family members find out that I went to Washington, D.C. for the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama, they ask, What was it like? In their usually hushed voices, you hear one part awe, one part envy and two parts reverence. Even one of my husband’s friends, who mostly just nods when he sees me, asked to speak with me – during their sacred weekly call about football – when he heard that I was on the National Mall for the swearing in.

Certainly, everyone from my mom to Rupert Murdoch and from the Guardian to CNN, MSNBC and Fox News (and how often do they all agree?) have called Barack Obama a rock star. Even rival John McCain pejoratively referred to then-Senator Obama during the presidential campaign as a celebrity. …more at The Obama Brand: Lessons for the Nonprofit Sector « TSNE – Strategic Communications Blog.

Flickr image credit: tsevis

By |2012-01-05T07:14:16+01:00Januar 29, 2009|Blog, Nonprofits|0 Comments

‚My online store gets just one sale a month!‘

We enlisted e-commerce experts to help a bricks-and-mortar retailer make the transition online.

Dear I have owned and operated a retail storefront for the past three years. I recently launched an online e-commerce Web site. I have paid an SEO guy each month and have aggressively marketed the site, but I’m only getting one sale a month. I am losing faith in all of the work, time and effort that has been put in. Do you have any suggestions on how to jumpstart the e-commerce portion of my business?

– Joanne Versaggi, Mélange Home Décor, Marlton, N.J.

Dear Joanne ... read more at ‚My online store gets just one sale a month!‘ – Jan. 29, 2009.

Flickr photo credit: Pascale PirateChickan

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00Januar 29, 2009|Blog, Online Marketing|0 Comments

Turning around a struggling business

Consumer confidence is at an historic low and the financial news seems to get worse by the day. With a new Administration in Washington, there’s a lot of uncertainty about exactly how and when promised changes will take place.

But even if your business is struggling, you can take steps to turn it around and be poised to grow this year, says Paul Rauseo, managing director at the George S. May International, a Chicago consulting firm. Practical tips from Rauseo and other small business experts follow….more atTurning Around a Struggling Business – BusinessWeek.

Flickr photo credit: Digital Explorer

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00Januar 29, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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