
Do good in the world with good practices. Resource sharing and advice from nonprofit leaders from the Blogosphere and beyond.

How Nonprofits Use Search Engines for Good

Flickr cc image from a Search Engine Land article, marketing consultant Byrne Hobart uncovers the use of search engine optimization and marketing tactics in driving issue-based campaigns. While written for those already aware of SEO and SEM (e.g. term ranks, keyword research, organic results), the article is also a primer for those non-profits that wish to add these tools to their toolbox.

  • How do citizens, journalists, political leaders, and donors already gain awareness of political campaigns?
  • How can SEO and SEM help non-profits raise the visibility of their initiatives in an ever-crowded playing field?
  • How can advocacy groups with more time- or media-sensitive targets use SEO and SEM to place their concerns in the very same spaces as those they are challenging?

Great tips. Worth the read. SEO For A Good Cause: Supporting Advocacy & Non-Profit Campaigns – Search Engine Land, January 14, 2011

By |2014-02-15T10:59:39+01:00February 16, 2011|Blog, Nonprofits, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

Case studies of social media success

If you read our blog, you know that we really care about social media for social good. Our team puts a lot of time and thought into how we can help nonprofits use innovative techniques and tools to help their organizations build awareness, support and donations, through our programs and content. For instance, we have Josh’s Learn the Lingo series which attempts to break down the social media tools you hear about but may not understand, so anyone can easily get started. Or, our Tech for Good posts, where Eric takes it a step further and muses on what’s happening in technology and how it relates to nonprofits. Maybe it’s my online communications background, but for me, one of the best ways to learn more about something is through stories and examples of how others do it, and do it well.

Last month, we released an Assessment and Reflection Report authored by Beth Kanter and Allison Fine on America’s Giving Challenge, a program we launched in order to test and encourage the power of individual giving online. As part of this report, Beth and Allison featured three case studies on organizations that were successful in mobilizing their supporters during the Challenge. The case studies are based on interviews with remarkable individuals leading their Challenge efforts and winning $50,000 each for their causes.

I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight these organizations again in case you missed them. Below are short summaries to pique your interest! Make sure to check out the report if you haven’t already, and let us know of other organizations that are successful in using social media for social good.

Read more on the case studies of nonprofits Love Without Boundaries, Students Helping Honduras and IDEA League at Case studies of social media success – Case Foundation, 25 Aug 2009.

Flickr photo credit: Mindful One

By |2012-01-05T07:14:16+01:00August 26, 2009|Blog, Nonprofits|0 Comments

Best Practices in Nonprofit Website Design

Non-profit websites share many of the same best practices as any website. They need to be user friendly, easily navigable, and use appropriate fonts, colors, and other design elements. But often a non-profit website needs to offer more than your typical corporate site.

A non-profit’s website needs to make it easy to find out more about their cause, to donate money, and to become more involved. It needs to make it easy for media contacts to find the information they need and the contact information of key personnel. And it needs to do all this in a way that’s inviting to the organization’s targeted donors and/or volunteers.

Below are a list of best practices for designing non profit websites followed by some examples of non profit websites that are getting things right. … Read more at Non Profit Website Design: Examples and Best Practices – Smashing Magazine, published 14 May 2009.

Flickr photo credit: tobiashm

By |2012-01-05T07:14:16+01:00May 20, 2009|Blog, Nonprofits|0 Comments
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