
About ArcherTC

American English text and design services for businesses and nonprofits in Germany, the EU, and worldwide that are targeting the U.S. marketplace. Copywriting. Translation. Editing. Proofreading. Print and web design.

Writing sales copy for conversions, part 2

Most Internet surfers are constantly subjected to a barrage of promotional messages and advertising. As a basic defense mechanism, they tune out most hype. Perhaps you have to be somewhat crass to get them to your landing page.

Once visitors end up on your landing page, stop screaming at them. You’re no longer competing for their attention with other Web sites, so change the focus to the task they’re trying to accomplish.

Your visitors detest marketese. Unfortunately, your landing page was probably written in this kind of over-the-top promotional style. …read more at Search Engine Watch. Flickr photo credit: Viqi French

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00January 21, 2009|Blog, Online Marketing|0 Comments

Instant infomercials: making millions from YouTube ads

Web media startup TurnHere churns out 1,000 corporate videos every month. That might just be the future of Web advertising.

EMERYVILLE, CALIF. (Fortune Small Business) — Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans had never been the subject of a TV commercial, let alone an Internet ad. The 168-year-old business, where third-generation waiters serve gumbo and other Creole delicacies to third-generation customers, had only ever advertised in print and on radio. So last June, the owners decided to drag the restaurant into the 21st century with an ad on, complete with a promotional video.

That was good news for Brad Inman, owner and founder of the online video production company TurnHere. Based in Emeryville, Calif., TurnHere is fast becoming the first choice for local businesses around the country that want to show off their wares in a quick online movie, but have no idea how to make it look professional. Analysts say spending in this niche is set to explode. By producing videos as fast as it can, TurnHere is already cashing in. …read more at Image credit:

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00January 21, 2009|Blog, Entrepreneurship, Online Marketing|0 Comments

The right legal structure for your business

There are many variables to choosing the right business entity, but a good place to start is to prioritize liability issues over tax issues

Q: I’m trying to start an independent record label, and I’m also a piano accompanist. I’d like to combine both those services under one company, but I’m still deciding whether to classify my business as a sole proprietorship or a corporation. Would a corporation provide me with more tax advantages if I earn under a certain amount of income? If I’m more successful in subsequent years, would it be hard to change the legal structure? —E.F., Miami

A: This is a common sticking point for entrepreneurs getting started and there are many factors that go into making the decision. The legal technicalities are complex and the pros and cons can be confusing. You’re best off if you can meet with an attorney who specializes in small business …more from BusinessWeek. Flickr photo credit: College Park Speed and the…’s photostream

By |2012-01-05T06:45:31+01:00January 20, 2009|Administration & Finance, Blog|0 Comments
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