
Ask an Expert: You’ve got to impress clients from the get-go

Q: Help! I own a small consultancy business. A new client e-mailed me a few days ago but the message ended up in my spam folder, as did her follow-up. Now she won’t return my calls. How can I get her back? — Aaron

A: You probably can’t.

The new client concluded, fairly or unfairly (but fairly, I think) that if things are going wrong already, at the start of your working relationship, it does not bode well for work down the road.

But I suggest that a bigger issue is at play, namely, the value and power of first impressions. And especially in this economy, first impressions are more important than ever.

Back in my UCLA days, I once got a job as at a new pizza joint. My roommate at the time gave me some advice that has served me well ever since. “When you get a new job,” he told me, “work extra hard the first month. Do extra without being asked. Say yes to everything. They will see what a good, hard worker you are, and forever more will look at you through that lens.” I must say that I have since found this to be quite accurate. …more at Ask an Expert: You’ve got to impress clients from the get-go –, published 16 February 2009

Flickr photo credit: cursedthing

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00February 17, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Steps to finding the right business partner

The recession is putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work each month — 522,000 from companies of all sizes and 175,000 from small businesses, specifically, for January, according to ADP’s employment latest report.

Given these massive losses and a bleak job market, industry forecasters say they expect to see more people turning to self-employment. But who says you have to go it alone? Partnering is a viable option, whether you’re looking to start a new venture or, perhaps, bring someone on-board what you already have under way. This article from Business Know-How contributor and Prime Strategies president Marian Banker outlines a five-step approach to joining forces with the right person. …Steps To Finding The Right Business Partner | The Essential IT Blog For Small Businesses, published 5 Feb 2009.

Flickr photo credit: chuckp

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00February 9, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Turning around a struggling business

Consumer confidence is at an historic low and the financial news seems to get worse by the day. With a new Administration in Washington, there’s a lot of uncertainty about exactly how and when promised changes will take place.

But even if your business is struggling, you can take steps to turn it around and be poised to grow this year, says Paul Rauseo, managing director at the George S. May International, a Chicago consulting firm. Practical tips from Rauseo and other small business experts follow….more atTurning Around a Struggling Business – BusinessWeek.

Flickr photo credit: Digital Explorer

By |2012-01-05T06:47:36+01:00January 29, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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