
About ArcherTC

American English text and design services for businesses and nonprofits in Germany, the EU, and worldwide that are targeting the U.S. marketplace. Copywriting. Translation. Editing. Proofreading. Print and web design.

How to advertise now.

Unsure what to cut and what to keep? This smart, 4-point checklist is your guide to recession-era advertising.

When money’s tight, the knee-jerk reaction for many entrepreneurs is to cut back on advertising. Unfortunately, the businesses that stop advertising simply drop out of sight, taking these entrepreneurs from slow sales to no sales–fast. It’s a risky move many may not recover from. Rather than eliminate your advertising in a recession, cut the fat from your campaign, and focus on the right media choices for the highest ROI. To figure out what to cut and what to keep, use this checklist to choose the right media for your business in this challenging economy…” more from Photo credit: brianandmia

By |2012-01-05T07:37:23+01:00January 13, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Here’s How Word-of-Mouth Marketing Really Works

There’s an old saying in the world of advertising: Tell your story, or someone else will tell it for you. Now that mass marketing channels have fragmented and social media has blossomed, getting someone else to tell your story sounds pretty damn good. But, from the look of things, most companies just don’t get how this stuff works… more from Copyblogger. Photo credit: martinhoward

By |2012-01-05T07:37:24+01:00January 13, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

How to network, beyond the basics

As a small business professional, you want each networking event to yield more than a few handshakes, a couple of cocktails and some snacks. Here are 3 tips for taking your networking to the next level.

Define your goals. Networking events will be critical to the development of your small business. It will be a way to introduce potential clients to your work, to meet new business partners, and to learn from the lessons of your industry peers. So before you sign up, know why you want to go, who you want to meet there, and why.

Be prepared to “sell” your business. At any networking event, someone is bound to ask you that ever-pervasive question: “so, what do you do?” With your expected audience and your goals in mind, plan in advance how you will talk about your business. Make it a brief, but persuasive statement that will open the discussion to even greater interest in your work. Have doubts? Practice with your friends and business confidants.

Follow up the Web 2.0 Way. While well-designed business cards are an important part of the Networking 101 toolkit, an ever-growing number of professionals see the future online. LinkedIn claims more than 30 million professional networkers from more than 150 industries. Its major European competitor, Xing, claims 16 million. And social-oriented portals such as MySpace and Facebook are investing considerable capital to themselves create business-friendly communities that automate “let’s keep in touch.” Don’t be left out: get online and invite your new business contacts to link up.

Author: Tammi L. Coles

By |2012-01-05T07:37:24+01:00January 2, 2009|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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