
Boost Your Brand

How to find the perfect pitch person to get your message out

Inventor Michael Boehm’s instincts told him the concept he had been shopping to various manufacturers—-a portable contact grill that cooks food items faster and more healthfully-—had great promise. So why couldn’t he find a corporate partner to help take the product to market?

It was 1993, and Boehm had spent a year fruitlessly searching for someone to buy into his idea. Rather than back-burner the grill, he decided what the concept needed–not only to land corporate backing but to resonate with consumers–was some star power.

The rest, as they say, is history. Boehm targeted boxer George Foreman to be the spokesperson for the concept. “I knew he ate two burgers before every fight and that he and his sons were all burger freaks,” he says. “To me, he was a perfect fit to represent the product.”

After checking out a prototype of the grill, the Foreman camp agreed it was a good match, and the heavyweight signed on to represent the product. Soon thereafter, with Foreman’s muscle behind the grill, Boehm found a company, Salton, to take it to market. Now, 14 years after Salton rolled out the George Foreman Grill, it has sold a whopping 100 million units.

The Foreman grill has become a textbook example of how enduringly valuable a high-profile spokesperson can be when that person is carefully selected and wisely deployed in the scheme of a marketing strategy. …more at Boost Your Brand –, published 2 April 2009.

Flickr photo credit: pdicko

By |2012-01-05T06:58:54+01:00April 6, 2009|Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

Business Answers: Finding Grants & Investors

In this video segment, Ken Yancey, the CEO of SCORE, and investment advisor Phil Town answer questions from MSNBC viewers on funding for their small businesses. The two debunk the myth of federal grants, caution viewers on accepting investment dollars from friends, and clarify the full credit risks of bank loans.

Author Peter Johnson offers some advice on what to do before you seek investors in this December 2008 video interview with CNN Money.

By |2012-01-05T06:49:34+01:00April 6, 2009|Blog, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Local Search: What’s it all about, Alfie?

In the past, local advertising was the best way to reach new customers for if you have a business offering local goods and services. Yellow pages, local newspapers, door-to-door flyers, coupons and promotions and word-of-mouth do still generate phone calls and storefront traffic. But today consumers are increasingly using the Internet as their primary source of local business information. Having your business presented at the top of search engine results and in local directories is now a critical part of any local marketing plan. And it can be very cost effective when compared to traditional media.

This series of posts will explain the ins and outs of local search visibility, provide an overview of the pros and cons of local search marketing, and explain how it can be integrated into your overall marketing plan. …more at Local Search – What’s it all about Alfie? Local Search Marketing Series, Part 1 –, published 30 March 2009.

Flickr photo credit: metrostation

By |2012-01-05T07:26:55+01:00April 6, 2009|Blog, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments
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