Small Business

Running a small business is no small feat. Expert tips for marketing and growing your company.

Selling tips for the timid

While some of us relish every facet of the sales process, most people would rather get a tooth pulled without anesthetic then attempt to sell anything. Thousands of women are mustering up the courage to start their own companies every day, but all too many shy away from actually selling their products or services.

For everyone who has dreaded asking for business, here are some tips that will help you overcome your fears and get comfortable selling on your own terms… read more at Selling Tips for the Timid –

Flickr photo credit: huntz

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00November 24, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Turning value into customer requirements

Although armed with a carefully crafted list of 10 “unique” benefits to customers, a supplier of sophisticated network security systems learned they had lost a million dollar contract to a competitor with almost exactly the same list of benefits, but a 10 percent lower price.

Another company offering comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning solutions emphasized their superior ability to promote operating efficiency. After losing a large sale, they were surprised to learn the customer wasn’t especially interested in efficiency. Instead, customer executives had bought into a competitor’s offer of flexible, modularized SAP solutions–a perfect fit for the firm’s strategy of growth by acquisition. By then, it was too late for the original vendor to explain that they could match and even exceed the competitor’s flexibility. …more at Turning Value into Customer Requirements –

Flickr photo credit: MikeNeilson

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00November 7, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

5 steps to customer loyalty surveys that work

It’s a great way to keep your business moving forward in any economy.

Let’s not sugar-coat it: It’s looking pretty darn ugly out there. I’m no economist, so I’m not about to predict the markets or the stability of the economy, but I am an internet marketer, and what I can say–with confidence–is that a downturn in the economy does not have to be a major roadblock for your internet business.

One key to surviving–even thriving–during this period of uncertainty is to know your customers… read more at 5 Steps to Customer Loyalty Surveys That Work – Creating an effective and informative survey –

Flickr photo credit: Wessex Archeology

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00November 4, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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