Small Business

Running a small business is no small feat. Expert tips for marketing and growing your company.

Building it better — small business site architecture

The stability of everything starts with the foundation. Businesses built on a strong foundation grow and flourish. Pumpkins growing on strong vines grow large and round. Web sites with solid architecture can have stronger search results.

If you’re thinking about designing or redesigning your small business Web site, get organized before you start. There are a few steps to building a site wherein each page supports its theme, and each theme supports the goal — more conversions. …more from Search Engine Watch. Flickr photo credit: gualtiero

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00October 28, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

Making the match

When Julie Copeland’s company lost a bid to a lower-priced supplier, she didn’t give up. She believed that Philadelphia-based Arbill (, a leading provider of industrial safety products and training programs, had priced the quote fairly.

Persistence is key to winning new business

“The bid that won was so much lower than mine, I couldn’t fight it,” she says. “So instead I stood back and continued to communicate to the customer that we were the right answer.” She asked the company to keep Arbill in mind as a possible second provider.

Just four months later, the customer was so dissatisfied with the lower-priced supplier that Arbill was given a shot. “Had I heard ’no’ and just walked away, I would never have had the chance to gain that business,” says Copeland… more at Making the Match –

Flickr photo credit: michelle

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00October 1, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments
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