5 tips for successful blog optimization

Yesterday I posted “3 Reasons Why Blog SEO Fails” to help readers avoid the pitfalls of starting a business or corporate blog purely for SEO reasons only to end up wasting time and energy. Without proper planning, oversight and passion for the topic, blogs implemented purely for SEO objectives are doomed to fail. Additionally, social media referrals and recommendations are becoming a notable competitor to search traffic which can place SEO as a secondary promotional effort in some situations.

Here are five tips for successful business blog optimization benefits in the long run …more from Online Marketing Blog. Flickr photo credit: N-ino

By |2012-01-05T07:26:56+01:00December 12, 2008|Blog, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

Building it better — small business site architecture

The stability of everything starts with the foundation. Businesses built on a strong foundation grow and flourish. Pumpkins growing on strong vines grow large and round. Web sites with solid architecture can have stronger search results.

If you’re thinking about designing or redesigning your small business Web site, get organized before you start. There are a few steps to building a site wherein each page supports its theme, and each theme supports the goal — more conversions. …more from Search Engine Watch. Flickr photo credit: gualtiero

By |2012-01-05T07:39:48+01:00October 28, 2008|Blog, Small Business|0 Comments

101 link building tips to market your website

links in a chainLink Building… Time-intensive. Frustrating. Sometimes confusing. Yet Unavoidable. Because ultimately, it’s still the trump card for higher rankings.

Many of us have been hoping that it would go away. In Brett Tabke’s 5/18 Robots.txt entry, he echoed a sentiment that many, many webmasters hold on to as a hope:

What happens to all those Wavers that think Getting Links = SEO when that majority of the Google algo is devalued in various ways? Wavers built their fortunes on “links=seo”. When that goes away, the Wavers have zero to hold on to.

…more from SEOBook.

Flickr photo credit: zen

By |2014-02-20T14:25:39+01:00August 16, 2008|Blog, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments
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