Writing sales copy for conversions, part 2

Most Internet surfers are constantly subjected to a barrage of promotional messages and advertising. As a basic defense mechanism, they tune out most hype. Perhaps you have to be somewhat crass to get them to your landing page.

Once visitors end up on your landing page, stop screaming at them. You’re no longer competing for their attention with other Web sites, so change the focus to the task they’re trying to accomplish.

Your visitors detest marketese. Unfortunately, your landing page was probably written in this kind of over-the-top promotional style. …read more at Search Engine Watch. Flickr photo credit: Viqi French

By |2012-01-05T07:15:26+01:00January 21, 2009|Blog, Online Marketing|0 Comments

The 6 goals of SEO: choosing the right ones for your business.

“Virtually everyone who’s engaged seriously in the practice of search engine optimization has found it to have surprisingly versatile results. Site owners will often start out optimizing in order to rank for a particular term/phrase that’s relevant to getting customers, only to find that secondary and tertiary benefits from branding to reputation management to raw traffic all have an impact. Today I’d like to cover the different applications of SEO and talk about how to choose the right SEO objectives for your business.” …more on SEOMoz. Photo credit: RellyAB

By |2012-01-05T07:26:55+01:00January 15, 2009|Blog, Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments
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